TAP dance is distinct style of dance, Tap focuses on intricate footwork to create rhythms and sounds made with metal taps on the soles of the shoes. Tap is known as an American art form with influences from Ireland, England, Africa and even the West Indies. Tap is like playing drums with your feet, requiring its students to develop fine motor skills, balance and control, Tap is a challenge for both the mind and the body. Like other forms of dance, Tap is continually evolving and exploring itself within the genre. Beginner students experience the perfect introduction to Tap while learning beginner Jazz steps to incorporate into their movements. As students become more advanced they’re able to create faster and more intricate sounds and rhythms.
Class Type: Creative Dance/ Tap Combo
Age Category: Beginner (4 to 5 years old)
Length of Class: 60 minutes/class
Girls: CAPEZIO #200 pink leather slippers with elastic attached. Black BlOCH #302 "Tap ON" tap shoes or Black CAPEZIO Mary Jane tap shoes. Bodysuit and tights (any color). Hair should be up and off the face (ponytail, pigtails, bun).
Boys: Black jazz pants or shorts with white T-shirt. CAPEZIO #200 Black leather slippers. Black tap shoes.
Note from Miss Desir